Faux Bun and curly bang hairstyle are very much popular nowadays among the natural hair holders. Bang in curly hair is easy to make, so it mainly attracts the young age women. Anyone can style it with their choice. Basically, curly hair is very flexible as you all know so you can mix up with other hairstyles.
Faux Curly Bun:
This hairstyle belongs to those who have natural and curly hair. By looking at this following picture, you can get an idea about the faux curly bun hairstyle. First of all, you have to shave your hair and make it very small. But your front hair should have long in length as you can see in the picture. The twist is also there but that is totally natural. In the end, you join rest all of your hair and make a bun towards upward in the middle of the head and tie it also with the hair. Don’t use any kind of rubber band or clip.

Faux Curly With Bob:
This faux curly hairstyle is natural and simple in terms of look, making and manage as well. The hair is in bob haircut form. Hair is totally curly, so you don’t have to need any artificial things to control it. But you can use rubber bands or clips for a better look, like in this picture. A beautiful black rubber band is used only for a different look. So apply it now.

Faux Curly With Mix Color:
This style doesn’t need any shaving or bob haircut. You do it with your natural hair whatever position it holds doesn’t matter at all. But mixing up the right color in right hair position is very important. If you look at this picture, you can get your answer easily. The combination of color is very beautiful in this following picture. Basically, the brown color is being used here. But you can also use any other color instead of brown if you want to. But be cautious about the mixture of color. Because it is all about to look perfect and stylish.

Faux Wavy Curly:
This style is also covering the wavy hairstyle. It is natural and curly as well as in faux form. Apart from that wavy hair, all the hair is with head skin. And then majority part of the hair is spread perfectly and make a faux wavy curly hairstyle.

Faux Twisted Curly:
This hairstyle is in twist form as you can clearly see that in this picture. Hair length is long and density is very much high. You have to give a lot of time to twist the hair. Because it’s quite tough to make curly hair in twist form. All the other shape, color or binding is similar, and you can surely follow this picture.

I’ve spent countless hours researching, experimenting, and learning about the intricacies of natural hair care. I aim to share this knowledge with you, helping you navigate the challenges and triumphs of your natural hair journey.