15 Arresting Ways to Style Dookie Braids

It is an ultimately arresting fact that some go-to styles, which are defined with some specific circumstances style, can be the most exciting style in day-to-day life. We are talking about dookie braids hairstyles. A year ago, it was considered the style of a school-going girl but now, Voila! It has become the natural hairstyle for grown-up women and girls. They do it so spontaneously that it has become a trend.

So, somehow, there arrive some questions to be asked, and that is, what actually the dookie braids are. This article is about how you can define braids and how you do that. After researching all these things you surely can know it is the most fashionable hairstyle, you can ever know.

Dookie Braids Meaning :

Usually, girls or adults do the braids as normally other girls do. But this kind of braids is like braids that scrag freely. You can make some sunder braids, and that can be multiple. You can do the ponytail, updo, or top bun and so many styles by doing various braids. You can also do the braids with multiple braids and release the various braids as well. It can be another look for your hair. You can do so many styles with these braids. But first of all the styles, you must clean your hair properly. Without it, you can not do the hair, and your hair becomes rough and tough so, no styles can be done with these hairs.

You should make sure about the healthiness of your hair and then do this. Hair breakage or damaged hair can not be the right choice to do this hairstyle. However, these braids are the style that can be defined as a low maintenance hair protection solution for hair treatment and growing hair.

 Origin of it:

Alysa pace of Bomane salon says about the origin of the braids came from Africa with the people named Himba. They are from Namibia.

Discussing the origin of dookie braids, there needs to be a saying that it is from African culture and from many years ago, it started. Now it has become the trend for the latest hair styles and fashion era.

How do you do dookie braids?

Though there are so many ways to do dookie hair braids and so many styles you can follow to change your look, there are always some basic steps you have to follow before choosing whatever styles you want to do the ponytails.

First of all, you have to clean your hair properly. To do the braids, washing your hair is a must. Then you should comb your hair properly. You can comb your hair with the partition of your hair and set the hair ready for braids and which styles you want to put on your hair.

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You can choose the style according to your personality and dress up, makeup, and other perspectives. Some adults want to change their look by doing dookie braids differently on different days. They experiment with the fact which style suits them the best. By doing it, they can decide their type of styles of dookie braids.

Long Braids for Natural Hair :

There are so many ways to do the braids for natural hair. Girls are more into hair protection rather than hairstyles. They always want to set their hair with styles and have protection as well. So, when you want to do your hair with the dookie braids, you must take care of your hair and do the styles. You can do regular braids with natural hair. For that, you have to do part yours with three sub-parts and then do the braids. After that, you can do another style with that braid.

dookie braids
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Jumbo braids:

To do dookie jumbo braids, you have to make sure that your hair is super healthy and strong. Because these braids require robust and healthy hair as it is put on with the tight elastic hairband and there need some sprays and conditioning serum and so on. There are so many choices still. You want to do jumbo box dookie braids. There are choices between the jumbo braids. Those are jumbo knotless box braid, jumbo box braid updo, jumbo box braids with a gold cuff, jumbo box knot box braid, a jumbo box with beads, red boho box braid, brown box braid. When you put color on your hair, you do the box dookie braid, and then you can add the color on the prefix, which will be that color’s jumbo box braid. It is that simple. Other varieties are simple too. Jumbo box braid updo can be done with the jumbo box braid, and then you just put on the braid with a hairband on the top, stylishly. Voila! That is the jumbo box updo. You can style with a simple technique, and that can be a significant change in your look, and you look beautiful.

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Short Dookie Braids :

Dookie braids are for long, strong, healthy hair. But that does not mean those who have short hair can not do the braids. However, some short hair adults like to put on extra long hair, which is artificial and do the braids. But that is not happening. Some adults want to do the dookie braids on their actual hair. You should know that dookie-style braids with short hair have become trendy, which suits them the most. It is also super cool and saves so much time to put on, and you can carry that braid easily. You can divide the hair into two or three portions, then do the individual braids, and then updo the whole flock of braids. Or, you can do the entire hair dividing into three parts and do the braids. You can also do ponytails after doing the braids. That can be super cute on your face if you want to match your outfit for a casual look that will be bashing.

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Two Dookie Braids :

Doing two dookie braids and playing with them is super fun and relaxed. Also, you can put on your winged eyeliner and a top and jeans. That look reminds you of your younger age and how much time you have to do something in life. For doing this, you have to divide your hair as you want to do, and then from both sides, you have to do the braids.

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Blonde dookie braids:

You can put your hair color on and wear it as blonde and choose the style of the braid and put it on. It is as simple as that. Other girls put on the colors on their hair, choose blonde to do their hair, then do the braids, then it has become the blonde dookie braids. This style is famous on African girls, who that be done on the other sides as well. They do it with a super cool look for attending a party, or a friend’s house stays over or goes on a date. Teenage girls mostly do this style.

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Long dookie style braids:

This style is more for adults. They look good in this style and also they have long hair to put on the style. After doing these long dookie braids, there need to be taken care of properly. Otherwise, your hair will be damaged. To protect your hair, you can spray on the hair and do the styles. Also, you can use a ponytail, short ponytail with braids.

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Dookie braids ponytail :

When you do these braids from different styles to change your look, there is another option. This option can make you feel better and look more confident. You can do the ponytails with the braids.

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Dookie braids Updo :

When you do it from different styles to change your look, there is another option. This option can make you feel better and look more confident. You can do the ponytails with the braids.

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Four braids :

This is another kind of hairstyle to do and rock on. You just have to divide your hair into four parts and do the dookie braids as well. This is the easiest way to do the hair for taking care of long hair. This also helps your hair to protect from dirt and other problems.

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90’s Dookie braids Style:

Changing hairstyles come from ancient times. This 90’s braids is so fun and can match with many outfits.

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Braid’s braids :

You just divide your hair into two sides and style them. After that again you have to do the dookie. That is how you can do the style named braid’s braid. This is a cool go-to style for school-going girls or adults as well. This hairstyle suits with a gown or long dress, the best. You can style easily with a long dress and if your hair is also long then, you will look like a princess.

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Rihanna’s braids :

We all know that girls can be more modified by the style icons. Even, nowadays middle-aged women also follow their favorite and they can change their look regarding their look. Some girls also like to experiment with their looks by doing different styles. Nowadays, some makeup artists want to recreate some icon’s look. For them, there is a unique hairstyle to do with the style of the braid. People call the style, RiRi style. This style requires nothing but the same procedure and it is easy as well.

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Half Up Braids :

Girls are more into putting color on their hair. That makes them automatically fashionable, whatever they style their hair. But there is another style which can make girls and also adults, more beautiful and elegant. These half-up braids make you super comfy with your hair. It also helps you to take care of your hair in a different style. You can change your regular look just a bit. You do the regular braids. Just tie up with a ribbon hair clip or hair band or you can just tie your hair with a matching hairband. Whoa! You will feel more confident than ever.

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Slanted partying braids :

This slanted partying dookie style braids can be the most stylish hairstyle if you do it the proper way and match it with the western dress. This look gives you the rock-on mode, from where you can get fringe about doing anything and everything. This style is actually for those, who have been getting bored with the go-to dookie braids and want to switch to some spice styles. Slanted partying braids are the best option to spice up your life in a subtle way.

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Ribbon braids :

Are you dreary about your looks? Do you want to get a slight difference in your looks that can easily make the one and only? Just clean your hair and comb your hair the proper way. Divide your hair into two parts and then do the dookie braids. And, here is the magic with a slight difference that can make you beautiful and that is, while doing braids, you add different color ribbons on it and wrap it up. Honestly, this look can make you younger and charming.

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Wrapping up :

These braids nowadays go to look for most of the girls and adults. It has become a must for the African for the protection of hair and styles as well. Also, it can match with any kinds of outfits to rock on.

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