26 Best Side Cornrows Hairstyles You Will Love

Side Cornrows are classic hairstyles used by Africans, Americans, and Europeans for thousands of years. The cornrows hairstyle is normally designed as a cornfield. That’s why the naming of this hairstyle is cornrows styles. In recent decades, there have been significant changes and modifications in its nature and design. And the side cornrows braids are one of the results of that revolution. In this article, we want to take you on a tour of the latest side cornrows hairstyles ever designed for African American women. Herby we have picked an attractive 26 cornrows hairstyle within 26 categories to assist you in picking the best one for you and your loved ones. So, let the journey begin.

Cornrows braids, also known as cornrows in the Caribbean, are a primordial traditional African American style of hair mentoring, in which the locks are braided very close to the scalp, using an underhand, upward motion to produce a continuous, upraised row. Cornrows are often shaped in modest, straight lines, as the name implies, but they can also be formed in complicated geometric or curvilinear designs. When the cornrows are done only on a side of the head that’s called the side cornrows. Depending on the region of the world, cornrows are worn by men or women, or both, and are sometimes adorned with beads or cowry shells. Often favored for their easy maintenance, rows can be left in for weeks at a time if maintained through the careful washing of the hair and regular oiling of the scalp. Braids pulled too tight or worn for considerable lengths of time can cause a type of hair loss known as traction alopecia.

  1. Goddess Braids – Side Cornrows

These cornrows design is normally used with other designs of hair to make a lovely combination of natural hair. You will observe this in the first example. In the first, we present the cornrows and goddess braids at the same time. In the first example, the goddess braids have been produced with the Cornrows decorations and in the second example, the goddess braids have been used as support to the cornrows. Particularly, you will feel great comfort with this hairstyle at various parties, tours, and occasions.

Goddess Braids - Side Cornrows
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Goddess Braids - Cornrows
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  1. Straight Hair- Side Cornrow

In the second phase, we have pivoted on the side cornrow mostly. Here, we brought you the cornrows with the straight hair. Here, the hairstyle contains the cornrows design only by any of the sides of the head. And the leftover of the head is covered and decorated with naturally straight hair. We have presented some of the examples with different designs of cornrows and different colors of the straight hair. I am sure, you will like any of these hairstyles if you are a cornrows lover.

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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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Straight Hair- COrnrows
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  1. Mohawk with Cornrows

Here comes the mohawk hairstyle with cornrows to the side. Mohawk hairstyle is wild and crazy enough to give you a classic and tribal look. Most of the time Mohawk is designed by shaving or fading the sides of the head. But here you will get the braided effect by the sides of the head with the help of cornrows design. And in the central part of the head is decorated either with curls or braids. Now you have these three wonderful options of mixing the side cornrow with the classic mohawk hairstyle to pick the best one for you.

Mohawk with COrnrows
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Mohawk with COrnrows
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Mohawk with COrnrows
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  1. Short Blonde Side Cornrows Braids with Curls

This topic has two important and interesting factors. One is short braids and the other is blonde color and besides these, the cornrows will prevail. You have noticed that we have presented two samples of blonde short braided hairstyle with side cornrow design. In the first image, the crochet braids have been used and twisted box braids have been used in the last sample. Anyone from any of the planets will like this wonderful hairstyle and certainly fall in love with it.

Blonde Short Briads with COrnrows
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Blonde Short Briads with COrnrows
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  1. Mid-Length Crochet Braids

This section is all about crochet braids and cornrows.  Among all other synthetic braids, the crochet has the most position on the heart of the African American women. The Crochet braids are curly in nature and different colors and lengths. Here, we have focused on the mid-length crochet braids with the side cornrow hairstyle. You can use these braids with natural color, reddish color, blonde highlights, and the highlighted edges. Whatever color or length you choose you will rock for sure.

Cornrows with Mid-Length Crochet Braids
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Cornrows with Mid-Length Crochet Braids
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Cornrows with Mid-Length Crochet Braids
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  1. Long Box Braided Cornrows

Long box braided cornrows hairstyle is a major part of today’s discussion. That’s why we have tried to present several best box braided cornrows hairstyles in front of you. Anyone of the African American Ethnicity knows about the box braids, it’s availability, durability, and pricing. But many of you do not know that these braiding hairstyles can turn the impossible into the possible. Simple cornrows with the long box braids can make your day more memorable, gorgeous, and attractive.

Long Box Braided COrnrows
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Long Box Braided COrnrows
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Long Box Braided COrnrows
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Long Box Braided COrnrows
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Long Box Braided COrnrows
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  1. Blonde Highlighted Wavy Braids with Cornrows

Well, this one is exceptional, unique, and sexy. Here the top portion of the head is covered and decorated with blonde highlighted wavy braids which can take anyone to another level of beauty and perfection. But the fun part is that it has been made according to the law of the side cornrow. As you can see the lovely patterns by the side of the head. Wear it and be the queen of the beauty world.

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Blonde Highlighted Wavy Braids with COrnrows
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  1. Afro, Cornrows, Highlights, and Beads

Now we have many elements in one single hairstyle for the African American women. Here will taste the Afro updo,  cornrows, highlights, and beads in the same hairstyle at the same time. In my hairstyling career, I have hardly seen this type of combination in a single hairstyle. I believe this is one of the beat use and modification of the Classic Afro. In the following images, the afro has been designed differently, the braids are highlighted and beaded. You will be the center of attraction when you will wear this cute hairstyle.

Afro, COrnrows, highlights and Beads
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Afro, COrnrows, highlights and Beads
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Afro, COrnrows, highlights and Beads
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  1. Side Cornrows Blonde Hair

Here comes another simply gorgeous hairstyle with straight hair, blonde highlight, and cornrows. The sides are as usual designed with the rule of the cornrows, and the straight hair is pulled back and the back part of the hair is colored blond. And as a package, it will give you every comfort you want.

, Updo, Highlights
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  1. Twisted Braids Cornrows to the Side

In the last stage, we have brought you these braiding side cornrows hairstyles which are celebrated as one of the most popular and sexy hairstyles around the world among the African American ethnicity. The box braids are twisted and lengthy which gives you a heavenly effect and on the other hand, the side cornrow amplifies the dignity of the braiding hairstyle.

Twisted Braids- Cornrows
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Twisted Braids- Cornrows
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11. Side Cornrows and Angle Braids

The cornrows hairstyle in the picture is by a side of the head, There are two types of braids; the tiny ones are micro cornrows braids and the long two braids have created an angle nicely and hanging freely by the backside.

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12. Cornrows with French Braids

French braids and cornrows can make an ultra-smart hairstyle together. The side of the head is decorated with the tiny cornrows and the French braids are on the topper portion of the head. The use of beads in the braids can give you the ultimate effect.

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13. Cornrows Topknot

Now it’s time to mix up the cornrows and the top knots. The cornrows are made by the side of the head and the topknot is placed on the top as always. And the topknots are also beautifully braided. So you are bound to look beautiful with this hairstyle.

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14. Side Up-do with Cornrow Pattern

If topknot can be made then why not the up-do? Yes, you can make a great hairstyle with the cornrows and up-do. The cornrows will beautify the sides and the leftover curls will decorate the top head.

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15. Cornrows inspired Flat Twist

Yes, you can call this awesome hairstyle as Cornrows inspired Flat Twist. This side as usual beautifully decorated with the cornrows hairstyle and the other portion can be defined as a flat Any season and any kind of event, you are fit for them with this hairstyle.

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16. Long Braided Cornrows

You can make long thick braids with cornrows like the girl in the picture. She has an enchanting beauty with the use of cornrows and the big giant braids in one single hairstyle.

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17. Red Color Side Cornrows:

Red Color Side Cornrows
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18. Wrapping Cornrows

This is a modified cornrows hairstyle, where the cornrows are originated from the side of the head and the cornrows braids wrap the whole head vertically. This is one of the unique hairstyles among the hairstyles used by African American Women.

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19. Cornrows Braids with Beads

This one is so simple and smart. The main attraction of this cornrows hairstyle is the beautiful beads applied to the long thin braids. You can try this one too for attending the upcoming event you are invited to.

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20. Side Cornrows Curly Hair

Beautiful curls and coils make a hairstyle complete. When you miss the curls while styling your hair, this hairstyle may be a great choice for you. The side part is cornrows shaped and the leftover of the head is covered with beautiful golden curls. Super sexy and Stunning huh?

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21. Side Cornrows Bun

When you have short hair, you have very limited options regarding choosing the hairstyles. And one of the options is this one you can make cornrows and tiny topknots with your short hair. Your short haired hairstyle will make you look like a princess.

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22. The Supercool Pixie Braids with Cornrows

This is the coolest one, the combination of the free locks and the cornrows. The cornrows braids are as tiny as the pixie braids and the leftover of the hair is free. No one in this material world can ignore the stunning beauty of this lovely hairstyle.

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Image Source: Pinterest

23. Cornrows Ponytail

Ponytails are great in look and can be a great part of cornrows hairstyle. The African American women are very much fond of the braided ponytails. And here we have the option to make a beautiful ponytail with the help of cornrows braids. You can try this one too for the next party you are attending.

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24. Twists Mohawk with Side Cornrows

Mohawk is one of the most popular hairstyles among African American women. In this hairstyle, the Mohawk hairstyle mixes up with the cornrows hairstyle. The side is of cornrows shape and the top shape is a twisted Mohawk. Awesome and Fashionable huh?

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25. The Natural Hair with Cornrows

Use your hair naturally and do a little styling by the side. The Styling of cornrows by sides will bring a tremendous change in your look. This super sexy look can make anyone fall in love with your hot hairstyle.

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26. Coil and Cornrows

For the last one, we are gonna discuss the mix-up of coils and side cornrows. And we literally have to word to comment and explain about this hairstyle. Now you decide what we should say about this awesome looking hairstyle.

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So, you can see that cornrows can be a great option for you if you are interested in one-sided hairstyles. Besides, you can have a combination of braids, beads, curls, and numerous designs with these trending hairdos. Besides, we have collected these samples or examples of side cornrows hairstyles from different sources sorting by popularity and beauty. So, you can the one that suits you best and apply it as your next hairdo. In the meantime, you can join our Facebook community to get regular updates about the craziest hairstyles for African American women. Now, we have a wish too from you. Please let us know what you are thinking about us and our discussions.

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